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Tuesday, January 15, 2008

The Use of Symbols in Literature

15 January 2008 (Tuesday) Sunny in the morning, cloudy during the day, and rainy in the late afternoon.

For all secondary two and three Literature students,

We must be conscious of human beings' use of symbols - please note: a symbol is a sign which we immediately recognise as having an implied meaning which we share. For example, the RED CROSS flag tells us that medical aid is at hand; the CROSSBONES and SKULL tells us that we are going to be raided by the pirates in due course if we do not steer clear of them.

So when we examine closely the portrait of A SAD FAMILY, we should consider certain things which are symbolic to us. NOBODY is TOO YOUNG to UNDERSTAND SYMBOLS.

We know what [1] a naked light bulb hanging from a singular wire,
[2] a table which has one leg shorter than the other three and has to be propped up by a book
and [3] the image of an aeroplane which appears on the T.V. screen

These are but THREE of the many examples of how SYMBOLS (SIGNS which become relevant to us because we share our understanding and knowledge about them) are being used to deliver to us meanings about the portrait which the painter (writer) is trying to tell us.

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