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Thursday, June 10, 2010

Some more questions on The Curious Dog

1.  Despite his autism, Christopher tries hard to understand our world of confusions and complications. Identify and discuss some of his successes and failures in coping with any three relevant situations in the novel to support your answer. [SHSS MYE 4E 2009]

2. “Ed Boone completely mismanages his relationship with his son, Christopher.” With close reference, explain whether you agree or disagree with this statement.

[SHSS MYE 4E 2009]

3.  The more Ed and Judy Boone try to do for the Christopher, the more they foil it up for their son.  Discuss this comment with close reference to the novel.

4.  Christopher Boone tells us that he “finds people confusing”. Discuss the difficulties and challenges he faces as a person afflicted with autism when trying to communicate with another person. You must use any three relevant incidents in the text to support your answer. [SHSS MYE 4NA 2009]

5. Why is our world of human relationships such a challenge to Christopher Boone? Discuss with close reference to the novel.

6. “Christopher, because of his autism, has to struggle to create order in his world of non-imagination.” Explain whether you agree or disagree with this statement.

7.  Apart from learning about him as a high-functioning autistic teenager, what are some qualities you like, and not quite like about Christopher John Francis Boone as an individual? Discuss with close reference to relevant incidents in the novel to support your answer. [SHSS 4E MYE 2009]

8. How would you describe a young man like Christopher? Why does he stand out in the crowd? Discuss with close reference to relevant chapters in the text.

9. Discuss the relationship between Christopher and Ed Boone, his father. Identify two incidents described in the story which are useful in illustrating your understanding of the father-son relationship.

10. Discuss the relationship between Christopher and Judy Boone, his mother. What are your feelings towards Judy, as far as she being Christopher’s mother is concerned.

11. To what extent do you see Christopher’s story as that of the struggle of an ASD (Autistic Spectrum Disorders) in his attempts to make sense of the world around him?

12. With close reference to relevant parts of the book, cite and comment on three incidents in which you think most aptly place Christopher a world apart from the majority of teenagers.

13. “Christopher is a selfish and ignorant teenager, quite ill-equipped to look after himself and probably doesn’t know much about the world around him.” Comment with close reference to the book.

14. “Judy Boone deserves better than being the primary care giver to an ASD child.” To what extent would you sympathize with her? Explain your reasons with close reference to the story.

15. Briefly comment on how the following characters may have influenced the thinking and behaviour of Christopher Boone in the course of story:

(a) Siobhan
(b) Mrs. Eileen Shears
(c) Mrs. Alexander

16. Comment on the list of things which Christopher likes and dislikes. How does he negotiate to make sense of the world around him with his list?

17. Comment critically, the relationship between Christopher and Siobhan.

18. “Christopher, because of his autism, has to struggle to create order in his world of non-imagination.” Explain whether you agree or disagree with this statement.

19. “Christopher Boone is an autistic teenager who is constructing his own understanding of the world he is shares with ordinary people like you and me.” Discuss with close reference to any three significant incidents in the novel which illustrate his struggles to build a relationship with another person.

20. Apart from learning about him as a high-functioning autistic teenager, what are some qualities you like, and not quite like about Christopher John Francis Boone as an individual? Discuss with close reference to relevant incidents in the novel to support your answer.

21. Christopher tells us that he “finds people confusing”. Discuss Christopher’s thinking behind the comment and the difficulties and challenges he faces as a person afflicted with Autistic Spectrum Disorders. You must use relevant incidents in the text to support your answer.

22. “Siobhan’s influence as a teacher and mentor is over-rated.” Do you agree?

23. Is Christopher the trigger which leads to the breakdown of Ed and Judy Boone’s marriage?

24. What would you imagine Christopher’s world to be like in the context of the story? Cite and discuss in detail, two major episodes which you think will help to define Christopher as a unique young man.

25. Discuss two major themes which are touched upon in the story with close reference to relevant episodes from the book.

26. “Life is about making sense of what we have and what we haven’t.” Discuss with close reference to the text.

27. How does Christopher make his own life as an ASD child, a manageable and meaningful one? Explain and discuss with close reference to relevant chapters of the text.

28. Ed Boone, the lying father, is a far more responsible parent, than his wife, Judy, who chooses to abandon Christopher. How do you account for and explain the statement?

29. Who has your sympathy – Ed Boone or his wife, Judy? Support your choice with close reference to relevant incidents in the book.

30. “Life, unlike Mathematics, does not have a straightforward answer at the end.” To what extent does this statement reflect what happens to Christopher in the story? Provide evidence with close reference to the text.

31. “Christopher is intellectually advanced but emotionally retarded.” Support or demolish this statement with close reference to the text.

32. Whose life is more difficult – normal-functioning people or persons like Christopher who are afflicted with ASD? Discuss with close reference to the characters who appear in the story.

33. Christopher is living a lie about the way he sees the world around him.  What is your opinion on this? 

34.  Christopher cares only for himself; he fights for his own survival above anything else.  Discuss this comment with close reference to the story. 

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